Main public works and building (1914-1947)

SCHOOLBUILDING "GUIDO BINDI" (1914-1938) - Since 1914 Silvi's municipality was engaging to build three school houses: one school in Silvi Paese
one in the hamlet Piane Maglierici and another in the hamlet Silvi Marina. With regard to this last
it should have been built in Concio district
near the present railway station. Giuseppe Marcozzi
who was appointed engineer for the planning
carried out the project on July 1914. Unfortunately
due to the outbreak of World War I and the subsequent involvment of Italy in that conflict
municipality withdrew that project. After the war
others unfavourable events kept building works suspended: abolition of municipality (1927) and its subsequent restoration (1929)
the mowing of town hall from Silvi Paese in Silvi Marina (1931) and the difficulty to find the suited area to build it. It was only in 1034 that works begun and the engineer Marco Fiore was appointed for designing of schoolhouse. The building site was pinpointed at foot of hills
in a central zone near railway station and it was also taken out financing for 417.000 Italian liras on loan. But in 1937 such building location was defeated by the technical analysis report wich demonstrated the high excavation costs and the perilousness for school children because of the heavy traffic in that area. Finally
on the same year
school house found its ultimate location: at the back of shore
near the town hall. The appointed engineer Eugenio Vinditti had to review radically the original design in order to adapt it to new building site. During the fascism period
such site was the planned "Empire Square"
that is the present Marconi square. School building was finished in 1940. The construction was performed by Brandimarte Fenał firm at cost of 421.786 Italian liras and fee for engineer Vinditti was about 1.200. Years later on it was named new school building after Dr. Guido Bindi. He has been the most knows physician in Silvi and leader of local National Fascist Party. During the end of WWII the Committee responsible for purge municipalities of fascists accused him to have played as nazi quisling
but he was exculpated by popular acclaim. Under construction
the design was changed again
providing schoolhouse by the turret clocl. During WWII nazi troops destined schoolhouse for sea front blockhouse
damaging shutter and windows glasses. In 1946
schoolhouse was not usable for children school lessons during wintertime yet.
TOWN HALL (1946-1947) - In the early century
Silvi Marina started up its residential development up. In 1931 the town hall offices were transferred from the native hill (Silvi Paese) to the shore village (Silvi Marina). Such offices
during the years until WWII
were moved to different places due to changing necessities. War destructions caused even the moving of the offices in private houses. In order to overcome such logistical problems
in 1946 it was decided to build the new town hall building. It was actually another reason that strongly influenced such a choice. Soon after WWII end
there was hard unemployment issue in Silvi. So local authorities claimed attention to prefecture pushing this public work as welfare economic choice. It was considered necessary in order to sustain workers revenues during the winter when farming and fishing activities were over. Still in 1947 the town hall offices were partly placed in a house owned bu the National Schoolmaster Relief Association that claimed the giving back
and partly in the railway station building. In 1946 it was pinpointed the building site in a central zone on the shore
near the new schoolhouse building. The engineer Francesco Lolli was appointed for designing; the estimated overall cost was 17 milions of italian liras and such work was graded as "unemployment relief" one. The following year the Prefecture declared it to expensive (about 42 milion for overall cost) by prefecture examination. Then
on 1947
it was appointed engineer Eugenio Vinditti: cost for first erection batch was 15 milions and cost for final second batch was less than 6 milions of italian liras). As it can be noticed in the layout
over the years
with the rising of new public services
new offices where lodged downstairs in the custodian's rooms. The archive room was moved from the first floor to the basement because of the need of more space. Looking at the facade of the building
it can also be noticed that the town hall was originally designed as two-storey building and the upper stair is recent erection.