Tomo I.° pag. 400 ediz. ingl.
Montesquieu, Grandeur et Decadence des Romains. C. VII. He illustrates the nature and use of the censorship with his usual ingenuity and with uncommon precision.
Manca tutto il passoTomo I.° pag. 444, cap. X ediz. ingl.
This singular character has, I believe, been fairly transmitted to us. The reign of his immediate successor was short and busy; and the historians who wrote before the elevation of the family of Constantine, could not have the most remote interest to misrepresent the character of Gallienus.
Manca tutto il passo.
Tomo II.° pag. 42 ediz. ingl.
Though the camel is a heavy beast of burden, the dromedary, who is either of the same or of a kindred species, is used by the natives of Asia and Affrica on all occasions which require celerity. The Arabs affirm, that he will run over as much ground in one day, as their fleetest horses can perform in eight or ten. See Buffon hist. naturelle, t. XI p. 222 and Shaw's Travels, p. 167.
Manca tutto il passo.
Tomo II.° pag. 303 ediz. ingl.
The testimony of Justin, of his own faith and that of his orthodox brethren, in the doctrine of a Millenium, is delivered in the clearest and most solemn manner (Dialog cum Tryphonte Jud. p. 177, 178, edit. Benedictin.). If in the beginning of this important passage there is any thing like an inconsistency, we may impute it, as we think proper, either to the author or to his transcribers.
Manca tutto il passo.
Tomo I.° pag. 78 ediz. ingl.
The spirit of improvement had passed the Alps, and been felt even in the woods of Britain, which were gradually cleared away to open a free space, for convenient and elegant habitations.
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Grandeur Decadence Romains Constantine Gallienus Asia Affrica Arabs Buffon Shaw Travels Justin Millenium Dialog Tryphonte Jud Alps Britain