Pagina (1063/1124)



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      [246] MAC GREGOR, Narrative of a Journey through Khorassan.
      [247] Versanti della Persia, secondo O. SAINT-JOHN:
      Versante oceanico 350,000 chil. quad.
      Versante caspico 260,000 "
      Bacino dell'Hamun 105,000 chil. quad.
      Bacino d'Urmiah 55,000 "
      Altri bacini chiusi 850,000 chilometri quadrati.
      [248] Journal of the Geographical Society of London, 1844.
      [249] N. DE KHANIKOW, Mémoire sur la partie méridionale de l'Asie centrale.
      [250] KHANIKOW; - STEWART, Proccedings of the Geographical Society, 1881.
      [251] O. SAINT-JOHN, Eastern Persia; - Mittheilungen von Petermann, 1877.
      [252] BELLEW, From the Indus to the Tigris; MAC GREGOR, Journey through Khorassan.
      [253] B. DE MEYNARD, Dictionnaire de la Perse, par Yacout; - REINAUD, Géographie d'Aboulfèda.
      [254] M. DIEULAFOY, Notes manuscrites.
      [255] H. YULE, The Book of ser Marco Polo.
      [256] Peso specifico dell'acqua del lago d'Urmiah: 1, 1555. - HITCHCOCK; - LOFTUS, Quarterly Jowrnal of the Geological Society, 1.o agosto 1885.
      [257] M. WAGNER, Reise nach Persien und dem Lande der Kurden.
      [258] CHARDIN, Voyages en Perse; - M. WAGNER, opera citata.
      [259] C. RITTER, opera citata; - H. RAWLINSON, ecc.
      [260] RAWLINSON, Journal of the Geographical Society, 1880.
      [261] RAWLINSON, memoria citata.
      [262] M. DIEULAFOY, Notes manuscrites.
      [263] OUSELEY, Travels in the East; - C. RITTER, Asien, vol. VIII.
      [264] M. DIEULAFOY, Notes manuscrites.
      [265] M. WAGNER, Reise nach Persien und dem Lande der Kurden; - N. DE KHANIKOV, Mémoire sur la partie méridionale de l'Asie centrale.

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Nuova Geografia Universale. La Terra e gli uomini
Volume IX - L'Asia Anteriore.
di Elisée Reclus
Editore Vallardi Milano
1891 pagine 1124


Narrative Journey Khorassan Versanti Persia Hamun Urmiah Journal Geographical Society London Mémoire Asie Proccedings Geographical Society Eastern Persia Petermann From Indus Tigris Journey Khorassan Dictionnaire Perse Yacout Géographie Aboulfèda Notes The Book Marco Polo Peso Urmiah Quarterly Jowrnal Geological Society Reise Persien Lande Kurden Voyages Perse Journal Geographical Society Notes Travels East Asien Notes Reise Persien Lande Kurden Mémoire Asie