[407] WHITELOCK, Journal of the Geographical Society, 1838.
[408] FLOYER, Unexplored Baluchistan.
[409] L. PELLY, Journal of the Geographical Society, 1861. - STACK, Six Months in Persia; - DENIS DE RIVOYRE, Obock et Bassora.
[410] RENAUDOT; - OUSELEY; - VON KREMER, Culturgeschichte des Orients.
[411] DUPRE; Voyage en Perse; - C. RITTER, Asien, vol. VIII.
[412] D'ARCY TODD; - KINNEIR; - C. RITTER, Asien; - M. DIEULAFOY, Notes manuscrites.
[413] Reddito della dogana di Buscir nel 1880: 600,000 lire. Valore approssimativo degli scambi: 18,000,000 di lire.
[414] OUSELEY, Travels in the East.
[415] E. FLANDIN, Voyage en Perse.
[416] Città del versante marittimo della Persia, colla loro popolazione approssimativa:
Buscir 14,000 ab.
Minab 10,000 "
Bandar-Abbas 8,000 "
Lar 8,000 "
Kazerun (Stack) 8,000 "
Barasgian (Mac Gregor) 6,000 "
Babahan (Wells) 4,500 ab.
Giarun 4,000 "
Firuzabad (Stack) 4,000 "
Fasa 4,000 "
Tarun 3,000 "
Forg 2,000 "
Khobar (Floyer) 1,000 ab.
417 DARMESTETTER, Essais orientaux.
[418] RAWLINSON; - BRUGSCH, ecc.
[419] H. RAWLINSON, March from Zohab to Khuzistan, Journal of the Geographical Society, 1839.
[420] POLAK, opera citata.
[421] H. RAWLINSON, Journal of the Geographical Society, 1839.
[422] OUSELEY, Travels in the East.
[423] LOFTUS, Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, agosto 1855.
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Journal Geographical Society Unexplored Baluchistan Journal Geographical Society Six Months Persia Obock Bassora Culturgeschichte Orients Voyage Perse Asien Asien Notes Reddito Buscir Travels East Voyage Perse Città Persia Stack Mac Gregor Wells Stack Floyer Essais March Zohab Khuzistan Journal Geographical Society Journal Geographical Society Travels East Quarterly Journal Geological Society