[972] OSCAR FRIAS, Aus dem Orient; - LENOIR, Le Fayoum, le Sinaï et Petra.
[973] LENOIR, opera citata.
[974] BURCKHARDT, Travels in Syria; - G. EBERS, Durch Gozen zum Sinai.
[975] MICHAUD et POUJOULAT, Correspondance d'Orient; - G. REY, Notes manuscrites.
[976] CONDER, Palestine exploration fund, luglio 1881; - E. CHANTRE, Notes manuscrites.
[977] G. REY; - SEJOURNE; - CHANTRE, Notes manuscrites.
[978] Vedi sopra, pag. 445, cap. V (III).
[979] R. BURTON, Unexplored Syria.
[980] ROBINSON, Physical Geography of the Holy Land.
[981] BURTON and TYRWHITT DRAKE, opera citata.
[982] LORTET, Tour du Monde, 2.o semestre 1882.
[983] LORTET, La Syrie d'aujourd'hui; - DE VOGUE, Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 gennaio.
[984] MESSEDAGLIA, Esploratore, 1880, n.o 3.
[985] E. ROBINSON, Physical Geography of the Holy Land; - Biblical [hes].
[986] G. REY, Architecture militaire des Croisés.
[987] FELLOWS, Travels in Lycia; - GAILLARDOT, RENAN, Mission en Phènicie.
[988] VOLNEY, Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte; - CONDER, Tent-work in Palestine; - WARREN, Palestine Exploration fund, aprile 1874.
[989] G. EBERS, Durch Gozen zum Sinai.
[990] ROBINSON, opere citate.
[991] The Rob-Roy on the Jordan.
[992] LORTET, Académie des Sciences, 13 settembre 1880.
[993] Vedi EUGENIO FALCUCCI, Il mar Morto e la Pentapoli del Giordano.
[994] CONDER, Tent-work in Palestine.
[995] LYNCH, Expedition to the Dead Sea. Secondo MOLYNEUX, la profondità sarebbe di 411 metri in questo punto.
[996] VIGNES, Voyage d'exploration à la mer Morte.
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Aus Orient Le Fayoum Sinaï Petra Travels Syria Durch Gozen Sinai Correspondance Orient Notes Palestine Notes Notes Vedi Unexplored Syria Physical Geography Holy Land Tour Monde La Syrie Revue Deux Mondes Esploratore Physical Geography Holy Land Architecture Croisés Travels Lycia Mission Phènicie Voyage Syrie Egypte Tent-work Palestine Palestine Exploration Durch Gozen Sinai The Rob-Roy Jordan Académie Sciences Vedi EUGENIO FALCUCCI Morto Pentapoli Giordano Tent-work Palestine Expedition Dead Sea Voyage Morte